Get Connected

Simplified data analytics and admin portal for everyday health and fitness professionals.
AxIT Testing Data Available Anywhere.

AxIT Connect makes your testing data instantly available on any device to save you valuable admin time whether on site or on the road.

Simplified Data View

Other products can be overwhelming with data. Our simplified strength scores take the hard work out of understanding your testing results for both you and your clients. Intuitive visuals make it easy to understand which areas require attention.

Compare To Normative Benchmarks

Deep dive into your client’s results comparing across the benchmarks results from hundreds of thousands of data sets providing context as to where they should be.

Instant Strength Report PDF

Reduce analysis paralysis. Generate a one-page simplified Physical Strength Report for your clients or additional stakeholders to make it easy to show baselines, track progression and drive engagement and motivation.


Download an example report here.

One Click Notes Copy / Paste

Get to go home early with one click copy and paste of results converted to text into your client management systems to make sure information is up to date and compliant.

Want to get connected with AxIT?

Chat with our team by booking below.

"Our staff have engaged incredibly well with the AxIT system and it forms a large part of the assessments and management for all of our clients."
Kris Caloia
Progressive Physiotherapy