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Differences in the Movement Pattern of a Forward Lunge in Two Types of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Deficient Patients: Copers and Non-Copers

research Feb 18, 2019

The movement pattern of a forward lunge was analysed by using a two-dimensional inverse dynamics method. The electromyographic activity of the quadriceps and hamstring muscles were recorded.

The non-copers moved more slowly and loaded the knee joint less than the copers and controls. The copers moved more slowly during the knee flexion phase but as fast as the controls during the knee extension. The EMG results suggest that the copers stabilized their knee joint by increasing the co-contraction of the hamstrings during the extension phase.

Differences between the three groups’ movement patterns could be quantified. The forward lunge test seems appropriate to discriminate between the knee function in coper and non-coper anterior cruciate ligament deficient subjects.

Information about the performance of movements, which significantly load the knee joint in coper and non-coper anterior cruciate ligament deficient patients may contribute to a better understanding of dynamic knee...

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Influence of Weight Distribution Asymmetry on the Biomechanics of a Barbell Back Squat

research Feb 18, 2019

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of weight distribution (WtD) asymmetry on the biomechanics of a barbell back squat. This study included 2 groups of trained individuals who were separated based on a WtD test (n = 14 in each group). They performed the barbell back squats with 2 resistance levels (60 and 75% of 1 repetition maximum) to measure vertical ground reaction force (GRF), tilting, and rotational angular bar displacements. A symmetry index (SI) score of the vertical GRF and the 2 bar displacements were examined to identify the group difference. Results showed that the unequal WtD group displayed a higher vertical GRF SI score (p < 0.05) and greater degrees of the tilting (p < 0.05) and rotational (p < 0.05) angular bar displacements.

The lack of postural control to distribute body weight evenly should be treated properly to gain levelness before participating in high volume of resistance training, and coaches should...

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